“Norwich Top”, Bert Huyghe
“Tous Ensemble” is the slogan of the Red Devils during international football championships and the title we have chosen for this upcoming group show, on the theme of football.
“Tous Ensemble” a title that had been on our minds for a little while already but, is now proving to be more topical and appropriate in these difficult times, than we could ever have imagined.
Edition Populaire is located in a lively neighbourhood of Antwerp - Borgerhout where football is very important to many of its residents. There is the famous football square at the corner of the Bloemstraat, where the tournament ‘SHOOT!” is organized every year and where many well-known football players have learned to shoot as kids. There are also about a dozen teahouses in the neighbourhood where football is showed on TV screens all day long, and of course the gambling tents, where people come to bet on football matches all over the world.
Whenever there is a match on opposing the Red Devils, the Moroccan team, Poland’s National Team, Russia, the RDC, and / or Senegal for example, tension can be felt all through this very diverse neighbourhood.
“Tous Ensemble” is a group exhibition that will be on show in our two windows with works by Otobong Nkanga (°Nigeria), Bert Huyghe (°Belgium), Damien De Lepeleire (°Belgium), Bram Van Meervelde (°Belgium) , Philip Aguirre y Otegui (°Belgium), Sam Nhlengethwa (°South Africa) and Ralf Kokke (°Netherlands).
“Tous Ensemble” – Art that connects us.